- Displayed are the triple matrix patterns of the first 10 patients of
the survivor (S) and non survivor (N) melanoma patients after surgery.
- The disease classification mask for survivors
contains typically a sequence of (0) characters because the
majority of the parameter values is located between the two
percentiles thresholds for the percentile ranges 10-90%, 15-85%,
20-80%, 25-75%, 30-70%. For the percentile pair 10-90%, 80% of
the values are (0), 10% below (-) the lower percentile and 10%
above (+) the upper percentile while the numbers are 40%, 30%, 30%
in case of the 30-70% percentile pair.
- Unknown patients are classified according to the highest positional
coincidence of the patient classification mask with any of
the disease classification masks.
- The degree of coincidence between the patient mask
and the best fitting disease mask is expressed by
the mask coincidence factor. The coincidence factors
are 1.00 for survivors #009, 012 despite the
fact that not all triple matrix characters are (0)
(arrows <= ). Only survivors #002, 006, 008
show complete coincidence with the all (0) survivor mask.
Non survivors have on average all discriminatory
parameters of the disease mask increased (+). Patients
with normal (0) or diminished (-) discriminatory parameter
values are therefore counted into the survivor category,
explaining the coincidence factor of 1.00 for patients #009, 012.