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CLASSIF1 Data Pattern Classification

Myocardial Infarction Risk Assessment (Thrombocyte Activation Antigens)

< fig.3      fig.4: Database Parameters      > fig.5

fig.2 database parameters

- Besides the above displayed IgG database parameters, three equally structured databases for the CD62, CD63 and thrombospondin data were established during the automated histogram evaluation process, resulting in a total of 4x11=44 data columns.
- Only 5 of these data columns are selected as discriminatory (fig.3) to unambiguously identify patients at risk for myocardial infarction (fig.2, fig.5) from the activation state of peripheral blood thrombocytes.

© 2024 G.Valet
last Update: Jun 03,2022
first display: Oct 10.1995