CLASSIF1 Data Pattern Classification
Overtraining of Competition Cyclists
(Lymphocyte Membrane Antigens)
Classification of Cyclist Sample
- The print output of the CLASSIF1 procedure CLSLYMPH comprises
the classification report and information on the parameters of
the reference classification masks. The reference classification masks
are determined
by iteratively identifying the most informative database columns (n=10)
of the 34x5=170 data columns from the FSC/SSC/CD19/0, CD45RO/CD4, CD45RO/CD8,
CD3/HLA-DR and CD3/CD16 measurements.
- The most informative database columns derive from the CD45RO (FITC)
antigen content and antigen surface density of the
CD45RO/CD4 and CD45RO/CD8 measurements while the other antigen parameters
are not discriminative.
Percent frequency values of antibody negative or
positive cells were not chosen.
Standardized Classification Report
Information on Learning Set and Classification Parameters
Last update: Jun 03,2022
First display: Oct 10,1995