CLASSIF1 Data Pattern Classification
Overtraining of Competition Cyclcists
(Lymphocyte Membrane Antigens)
< fig.5
fig.6: Unknown Test Patients
- The test set cyclists #001/1, 002/2, 004/1, 005/1, 006/2, 009/1,
010/3, 012/1, 013/1, 014/4 and #001/3, 006/3, 008/4, 013/6,
016/4 were labeled with: ?, and thereby remained unknown to
the learning process as can be checked in
where these individual are missing in the learning set sequence.
- The unknown cyclists classify similarly
as the learning set
indicating robustness of the CLASSIF1 classifier
for the prospective classification of unknown persons.
- Displayed are the first 10 normal test set cyclists and
all overtrained cyclists.
Last update: Jun 03,2022
First display: Oct 10,1995