CLASSIF1 Data Pattern Classificaition

Overtraining of Competition Cyclcists (Lymphocyte Membrane Antigens)

Reclassification of the Learning Set

< fig.1       fig.2: Reclassification of the Learning Set       > fig.3

- The disease classification mask for the reference group of patients (normals) contains typically a sequence of (0) characters because the majority of the parameter values is located between the two percentiles thresholds for the percentile ranges 10-90%, 15-85%, 20-80%, 25-75%, 30-70%. For the percentile pair 10-90%, 80% of the values are (0), 10% below (-) the lower percentile and 10% above (+) the upper percentile while the numbers are 40%, 30%, 30% in case of the 30-70% percentile pair.

- Unknown patients are classified according to the highest positional coincidence of the patient classification mask with any of the disease classification masks.

- The degree of coincidence between the patient mask and the best fitting disease mask is expressed by the mask coincidence factor. The coincidence factor is 1.00 for persons #001/2, 001/4, 002/1, 002/3, 002/5, 003/1, 003/2, 004/2, 004/3, 004/4 of the normals despite the fact that not all triple matrix characters are (0) (e.g. arrows <= ). Only cyclist #002/3 shows complete coincidence with the (0) mask for normals. Overtrained competition cyclists have all except one discriminatory parameters of the disease mask increased (+), patients with normal (0) or diminished (-) discriminatory parameter values are therefore normal. Parameter values (-) are consequently counted as hit for normal. This explains the coincidence factor of 1.00 for the above persons.

- Displayed are the triple matrix patterns of the first 10 patients of the normals and the overtrained competition cyclists.

- The classification of persons #003/2 as "overtrained" may be in fact correct since persons #003/1, 003/2, 003/3 represent the same individual at time points: 1, 2, 3 of the same training period. While being "normal" at 003/1 and "overtrained" at time point 003/3, the molecularly recognized "overtraining" status at time point 003/2 represents probably the clinically not yet apparent overtraining syndrome.

© 2024 G.Valet
1965-2006: Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany
Last Update: Mar.22,2002