CLASSIF1 Classification

Pretherapeutic Identification of High Risk AML Patients

< fig.1      fig.2: Confusion Matrices      >fig.3

- The database of the ongoing trial contained 724 patients (July 2001) with 159 2-year survivors, 404 2-year nonsurvivors, 161 < 2-year still surviving patients, 25 5-year survivors, 442 5-year nonsurvivors and 257 < 5-year still surviving patients. This means that 563 patients were included in the 2-year classifications and 467 patients in the 5-year classifications. 5.6% and 1.9% of the included patients could not be classified due to ambiguous classifications.
- The first 300 included patients were used as learning set while the remainder of the patients served as unknown test set.
- Prospective classifications were obtained for the patients not fulfilling the inclusion criteria (161 < 2-year and 257 < 5 year still surviving patients)
- The classification indicates that 5-year non survivor patients are detected with a predictive value of 100% in the learning set while the predictive value is 15.1% for 5-year nonsurvivors (fig.2a) No 5-year survivors were contained in the test set (fig.2b) while the 5-year survivors classified better than in the learning set.
- The predictive values for 2-year non survivors was 88.6% and 38.9% for 2-year survivors (fig.2c). The unknown test set classified similarly as the learning set (fig.2c).

© 2024 G.Valet
1965-2006: Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany
Last Update: Mar.31,2003