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CLASSIF1 Classification

Pretherapeutic Identification of High Risk AML Patients

< fig.2      fig.3: Predictive Disease Classification Masks      > fig.4

fig.3 disease classification masks

- The classification results of fig.2 were obtained with the data patterns (disease classification masks) selected by the CLASSIF1 data sieving algorithm from the database parameters of fig.1.
- Patient age as well as %CD4 and %CD45 positive AML blasts are common for the 5-year and 2-year survival masks.
- Predictive and prognostic data patterns show only partial identity (CD4, CD11b, CD13, HLA-DR)
- Only a limited part (10.6%, 16.7%) of the available parameters were infomative for the obtained classifications.
- No cytogenetic parameters were selected for the predictive data patterns, probably because only about half of the patients (*external link L2) show cytogenetic abnormalities while all AML blasts express CD antigens on their cell surface.

© 2025 G.Valet
last update: Jun 03,2022
first display: Mar 31,2003