Cell Biochemistry Martinsried

Risk Assessment for Myocardial Infarction
from Thrombocyte Activation Antigens

G.Valet, D.Tschöpe1)

1) AG Zelluläre Hämostase, Diabetes Forschungsinstitut der Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, Germany

1. Introduction: - General risk indicators like overweight, smoking, high blood pressure, humoral indicators like altered lipid fractions in the peripheral blood, as well as cellular indicators like monocyte/makrophage lipid receptors indicate the risk for myocardial infarction on a statistical but not on an individual person level.
- The appearence of thrombocyte activation antigens like CD62, CD63 or thrombospondin on the thrombocyte surface membrane is the consequence of accelerated blood flow through arteriosclerotically narrowed coronary arteries. Myocardial infarction is ultimately caused by thrombocyte aggregates obstructing such arteries. It seems of interest to determine thrombocyte activation antigen patterns for individual patient risk assessment of myocardial infarction. A blood test would be substantially easier, with lower risk and less costly than coronary angiography from a cathether.
- The average expression of the above antigens on thrombocytes of angiographically verified myocardial infarction risk patients is increased in a statistically significant way. The specificity and sensitivity of each of these parameters alone is, however, too low to identify individual risk patients.

2. Goal: Identification of myocardial infarction risk patients from peripheral blood thrombocyte activation antigen expression (CD62, CD63, thrombospondin, IgG binding). The activation antigen expression is flow cytometrically determined on thrombocytes in platelet rich plasma.

3. CLASSIF1 Data Pattern Classification: The classification of the learning set of normal individuals, angiographically verified myocardial risk as well as of diabetic patients (type II) provides correct recognition of > 95% of normal and infarction risk patients, while diabetic patients are only recognized in around 50% of the cases.

4. Conclusion: - The standardized and automated evaluation of flow cytometrically determined CD62, CD63 and thrombospondin thrombocyte activation antigens permits a > 95% correct identification of individual myocardial infarction risk patients by medical or clinical cytomics from thrombocyte activation antigen measurements.

Literature References:
L1 G.Valet, M.Valet, D.Tschöpe, H.Gabriel, G.Rothe, W.Kellermann, H.Kahle: (1993) White cell and thrombocyte disorders: Standardized, self-learning flow cytometric list mode data classification with the CLASSIF1 program system. Ann.NY Acad.Sci. 677:233-251

© 2024 G.Valet
1965-2006: Max-Planck-Institut für Biochemie, Am Klopferspitz 18a, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany
Last Update: Apr.2,2003
First display: Feb 26,1996