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Human Cytome Project, Cytomics & Systems Biology Definitions |
Research Concepts
Aims & Characteristics
human cytome project initiative (PPT) | - system approach for individualized disease course predictions in medicine(= predictive medicine by cytomics), including the use of individually predictive data patterns (examples: A, B, C, D, E) for the exploration of disease inducing molecular pathways and for the detection of specific new drug targets | 48, 46, 38, 37, 33, 32 |
predictive medicine
and system cytometry ( 1997, chapt: Int.Cytom.Network/ further references) |
- diseases emerge from molecular perturbations in
cell systems
with cells representing the elementary units of organs
and organisms.
- top-down information from molecular cell phenotypes is acquired by differential single cell screens in diseased versus reference individuals. Parameter selection for the acquisition of cytometric information is hypothesis driven while exhaustive bioinformatic data analysis is hypothesis-free to address new knowledge spaces inaccessible to trditional a-priori hypothesis development. - generation of therapy related predictions of future disease course for individual patients (outcome predictions) from altered molecular cell phenotypes. - potential for optimized therapy selection, increased therapeutic leadtime and application of preventive therapies (preventive medicine, individualized medicine, personalized medicine). - discriminatory data patterns (molecular hotspots) from differential screens by biomedical cell systems biology leading to the detection of new molecular drug targets. - prediction of future disease occurence in presently healthy appearing indivduals from characteristically altered molecular cell phenotypes, for example by the discrimination between inflammatory and premalignant conditions from peripheral leukocyte as circulating immune defence indicators. |
48, 44, 43, 36, 35, 34, 33, 28, 27, 26, 25, 22, 21, 20, 15, 14, 12, 10, 7, 5, 4 |
predictive medicine by systems biology |
- differential screens of perturbed experimental systems
- mathematic pathway modelling to predict and prevent disease - high complexity when information for networks has to be generated from mixed population of cells |
41 |
predictive medicine by genomics |
- prediction of
future occurence of disease
healthy individuals
from genetic background (predictive pharmacogenomics)
- may be inaccurate in case of preferentially exposure driven disease development because future exposure is unknown and molecular onsequences of past exposure are typically not considered. - low public acceptance |
6, 3 |
(further references) |
- single cell analysis of the heterogeneity of molecular cell
phenotypes in cell systems (cytomes).
Molecular cell phenotypes result from genotype and
- exhaustive bioinformatic knowledge extraction from all analyzed cells |
17, 16, 9 |
tissomics |
- microscopic organ tissue cytomics
- analysis of 3D-structure of biological tissues by single cell measurements |
45, 39 |
systems biology (1998) |
- frequently bottom-up concept from genes over proteins, organelles, cells,
cell systems and organs to the behaviour of entire organisms with the aim to establish
mathematical models for different levels of organization - systematic perturbation of cellular systems, perception and mathematical modeling of molecular differentials to understand molecular network of cellular organization. - cellular model systems may not represent the situation in humans. |
42, 41, 29, 23, 18, 11, 8 |
biomedical cell systems biology molecular cell systems biology cell systems biology |
- top-down or bottom-up single cell oriented systems biology - biomedical: use of molecular differentials from naturally occurring perturbations like in disease (details see: predictive medicine by cytomics) -- respects cellular heterogeneity (cell types & functional status) of cell systems -- immediate medical utility, facilitated investigation of molecular disease pathways and detection of new drug targets |
46, 44, 43, 42, 24 |
conceptual framework |
- need for patient related studies (31,
- cytomics -> individual patients (37, 21) - systems biology -> model systems (41) - deductive or inductive ? (30) - top-down or bottom-up ? (40) - bottom-up (29) - early efforts (3, 2, 1a,1) |
41, 40, 37, 31, 30, 29, 21, 19, 13, 3, 2, 1a, 1 |
===== 2006 ======
G Valet, RF Murphy, JP Robinson, A Tarnok, A Kriete.
Cytomics - from cell states to predictive medicine. In:
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===== 2005 ======
G Valet.
Cytomics, the human cytome project and systems biology:
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G Valet.
Human cytome project: A new potential for drug discovery. In:
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modernas tecnologias para el desarrollo de farmacos. Ed:
Real Academia Nacional de Farmacia, Madrid 2005 p 207-228.
D Lenz, B Mosch, J Bocsi, T Arendt, A Tarnok.
Tissomics: detecting two and three-dimensional distribution of cells in brain
tissues using laser scanning cytometry (LSC).
Proceedings BIOS2005 SPIE Vol 5701-30 (2005)
G Valet.
Human cytome project, cytomics and systems biology: the incentive for
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Cytometry 64A: 1-2 (2005).
G Valet.
Cytomics: an entry to biomedical cell systems biology.
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===== 2004 ======
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Predictive medicine by cytomics and the challenges of a human
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===== 2003 ======
P Van Osta.
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A vision for the future of genomics research.
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G Valet, R Repp, H Link, G Ehninger, M Gramatzki and
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Pretherapeutic identification of high-risk acute myeloid leukemia
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G Valet, A Tarnok.
Cytomics in predictive medicine.
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G Valet, J Cornelissen, G Lamers, J Gratama.
Predictive medicine by cytomics: Identification of high risk patients
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===== 2002 ======
E Firpo, R Kong, Q Zhou, A Rudensky, J Roberts, B Franza.
Antigen-specific dose-dependent system for the study of an inheritable and
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Opening Pandora's Box: Clinical data and the study of complex diseases.
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Cytomics, from prognostic to predictive medicine.
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G Valet.
Predictive medicine by cytomics: potential and challenges.
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J Bocsi, J Hambsch, P Osmancik, P Schneider, G Valet, A Tarnok.
Preoperative prediction of pediatric patients with effusions and edema
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Critical Care 6: 226-233 (2002).
===== 2001 ======
DF Horrobin.
Realism in drug discovery - could Cassandra be right ?
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A Tarnok, J Bocsi, M Pipek, P Osmancik, G Valet, P Schneider, J Hambsch.
Preoperative prediction of postoperative edema and effusion in pediatric
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Prediction and precise diagnosis of diseases by data pattern analysis in
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